Meet the Team:

Jennifer Estes
Middle School Counselor
Last Names A - L
(518) 756-5200, ext. 3017

Kayla Hotaling
Middle School Counselor
Last Names M - Z
(518) 756-5200, ext. 3038

Timothy Houghtaling
School Psychologist
(518) 756-5200, ext. 3027

Eda Graham
Social Worker
(518) 756-5200, ext. 3029

Brette Bateman
Middle School Counseling Center Secretary
(518) 756-5200, ext. 3016

Kathy Durivage
Social Worker
(518) 756-5200, ext. 3029

Anjelica O'Brien
Social Worker
(518) 756-5200, ext. 3029
Improved Academic, Career, and College Planning with Naviance
Naviance Succeed is a web-based service designed to help students, parents and counselors streamline academic planning and make informed decisions about colleges and careers. Create a personalized account with Naviance Family Connection.
Recommended Websites for Middle School Parents
There are hundreds of resources on the internet that Middle School parents could find helpful. Here are a few that we recommend: A very girl- and parent-friendly website from the U.S. Department of Health that covers many topics from drugs and bullying to illness and nutrition. A good starting point for a parent-daughter chat on difficult topics. A study skills resource site. Thousands of videos that provide a full course on instruction in a variety of topics, from social studies to statistics.
Additional Resources
Mobile Crisis Contacts: For emergency evaluation (or call 911)
Working Papers
Are you a student seeking employment? To obtain working papers or with any questions, please contact Brette Bateman at (518) 756-5200, ext. 3016 or at
New York State Working Papers Application
Physical Fitness Certification - can be filled out by a Doctor if a student does not have an updated physical on file with the school nurse
Please note that every student is required to have an updated physical (within the last year). Parents/caregivers need to sign the appropriate documentation (above), and the student(s) need to sign the card in front of district officials after they provide the signed paperwork and physical information. If necessary, RCS school officials can mail the necessary paperwork home, and then the child needs to come in with the completed paperwork and required physical to get the card OR if the parent /caregiver and student come in together with the physical, the card can be processed that day.
If you have further questions, parents/caregivers and students can locate guidelines for employment at the New York State Department of Labor website, here.