Jesse Boehme
(518) 756-5200 ext. 6000
Financial Reports & Audits
The financial reports and audits archived on this page were created by an independent auditor.
Extraclasroom Activity Funds
Extraclassroom Activity (ECA) funds are administered by and for the benefit of the students. Students raise and spend these funds to promote the general welfare, education, and morale of all students and to finance the normal and appropriate extracurricular activities of the student body. Money is usually collected by students from a number of sources (e.g., admissions, membership dues, and sales) and is spent as they see fit within established regulations.
Report from the Office of the State Comptroller:
2021 Report of Examination of ECA Funds and Admissions
School Business Administrator
If you have any issues accessing documents on this page, please contact Michelle Conte, at (518) 756-5200 ext. 6017.