The Office for Student Support & Special Education
Welcome to the Office for Student Support and Special Education Website
The Office of Student Support and Special Education supports and addresses the social, emotional, physical, and educational components of each student's education. We are responsible for coordinating services including the District’s Committees for Special Education at the preschool, elementary and secondary levels for all resident students who qualify for such support. Our office also oversees English as a New Language (ENL) and the Counseling Department.
Our Department includes:
The Office for Student Supports
English as a New Language (English Language Learners [ELLs]/ Multi-Language Learners [MLLs]);
Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) (include descriptions of Response to Intervention [RtI] and Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports [PBIS]);
Social Work, Psychologists, Speech/language Teachers, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Vision Therapists, Orientation and Mobility Specialists and other Support Staff
Upcoming Events
Both of these events are presented by the NYS Education Department Office of Special Education and are free to attend:
EI to CPSE Transition for Families - Thursday, March 14 - 9:00 a.m. to 10:30 a.m.
This Zoom presentation will guide parents through the process of transitioning their child from Early Intervention (EI) to the Committee on Preschool Education (CSPE). Registration is required. Click here to register.
CPSE to CSE Transition for Families - Thursday, April 11 - 5:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
This workshop will help participants understand the difference between services in CPSE and CSE and the purpose of an IEP. Registration is required. Click here to register.