Data Breach or Unauthorized Disclosure Complaint Procedure
If a parent believes that student data has been released or disclosed in an unauthorized manner, or that data systems involving private student data have been breached, parents have a right to submit a formal complaint to the Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Central School District (RCSCSD), consistent with New York State Education Law §2-d.
Here is a complaint form that may be used to submit a complaint. Use of this form is recommended, but not required. If using your own format to submit a complaint, you must provide the required information as indicated below. Upon receipt of a written complaint by a parent, RCSCSD must determine if the alleged violation occurred and issue a written decision of its findings.
If you cannot print a copy of the complaint form off of our website, but need a printed copy of the form, please contact our Data Protection Officer at or (518) 756-5200 ext. 6014.
Parent Submitting the Complaint
Complaints must be made in writing.
Complaints must be signed by the complainant. (Faxes or scans/pictures via email of the signed complaint form will be accepted, but electronic signatures will not be.)
The breach complaint must include:
A statement that the district has violated a requirement of Part 121 of Ed Law §2-d or state law/regulation related to student data privacy;
The facts on which the statement is based;
Contact information of the person filing the complaint;
If alleging violations with respect to a specific child, include:
The name and address of the child’s residence;
The name of the school the child is attending;
In the case of a homeless child or youth, available contact information for the child and the name of the school the child is attending;
A description of the nature of the incident, including facts related to the incident.
School District Complaint Procedures
The school district will acknowledge receipt of the complaint within seven business days.
The school district will commence an investigation and take necessary precautions to protect any personally identifiable information.
Following its investigation, the school district shall provide the parent or eligible student with a report of its findings within 60 calendar days from receipt of the complaint. In extenuating circumstances, where the district requires additional time to investigate the complaint or cooperate with law enforcement, or where releasing the report may compromise security or impede the investigation of the incident, the district shall provide the parent or eligible student with a written explanation that includes the approximate date when the district anticipates the report will be released.
The district will maintain a record of all complaints of breaches or unauthorized releases of student data and their disposition.
Complaints may be sent to:
Data Protection Officer
Ravena-Coeymans-Selkirk Central School District
15 Mountain Road
Ravena, NY 12143
Fax: 518-756-4561