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RCS Families,

Here’s the complete listing of the award winners for the 8th grade Moving Up Day Ceremony Awards.

Congratulations and have a safe summer!!

Academic Award for Highest Average

This award goes to the student who has achieved the highest overall average in the subject area below.


Nicholas Gibney
Kaitlyn Miles

Earth Science

McKenna Slingerland

Science 8A

Emily Heichel
Aiden Lien


Kaitlyn Miles

English 8A

Isabella Misuraca

Honors English

Kendall Bullock
Katherine McFerran
McKenna Slingerland

Honors Social Studies

Kendall Bullock
Molly Engelhardt

Social Studies

Kaitlyn Miles

Social Studies 8A

Aiden Lien

World Language - Spanish

Katherine McFerran
Kendall Bullock
Kadance Pickup

World Language - French

Teddy DuBois
Seth Swann


McKenna Slingerland
Teddy DuBois

Math 8

Justin Castillo Sabrina Racine

Math 8A

Aiden Lien


Kendall Bullock
McKenna Slingerland

Physical Education

Mallory Raymond
Teddy DuBois


Molly Engelhardt
Kadance Pickup

Effort and Citizenship

This award goes to students who have distinguished themselves through outstanding effort and school citizenship.


Nicholas Gibney


Kendall Bullock

Math 8A

Isabella Misuraca


Kadance Pickup
Sabrina Racine
Havannah Boniface

English 8A

Emily Heichel

Social Studies

Mallory Raymond

Honors Social Studies

Seth Swan

Social Studies 8A

Julio Vargas


Kayla Osterhout
AJ Wine

Earth Science

Cooper Penzabene
Teddy DuBois

Science 8A

Julio Vargas

World Language- French

Allison Kennedy
Sabrina Racine

World Language-Spanish

Ryan VanDerzee
Mallory Raymond


Teddy DuBois

Physical Education

Matthew Cameron
Jared Cameron

Art & Music Tech

Mary McHugh
Kadance Pickup


Cooper Penzabene

Outstanding Achievement Award

This award goes to students who have achieved a 90-100% average each marking period from 6th through 8th grade.

Kendall Bullock
Caitlin Collins
Patricia Dorrance
Theodore DuBois
Isabella Dulay
Molly Engelhardt
Alyssa Grogan
Alexander Halwick
Nicole Kemp
Allison Kennedy
Keegan McClellan
Abby McDermott
Katherine McFerran
Kadance Pickup
Mallory Raymond
McKenna Slingerland
Justin Sulik
Colleen Teetsel
Haylee Thiele
Aurora Wagner
Madison Wilcox
Ariana Wolfe


This award goes to students who have the following traits: responsible, respectful, integrity, independence, sportsmanship, citizenship, courage, overcame obstacles, leadership, loyal, likeable. persevere, and a listener.

Rachel Squadere